Archive for January, 2010

Be in the world but not of the world

Wednesday, January 27th, 2010

I was raised going to a christian church so I heard this all the time growing up.  It didn’t really “get it” though ’til about 5 years ago.

It can be challenging walking a spiritual path, taking the high road, making choices that aren’t the easy ones, loving the ones you don’t want to love…so difficult that sometimes I just want to hide.

At times I’ve thought, “If I could just be around more people that were like me…” You know the drill.  But here’s the thing folks, most of us aren’t here to live in an ashram or a convent.  Most of us are here to live “in the world.”  It’s where we are needed.  You don’t find lighthouses on calm shores or 500 miles inland.  We have things to do in the world.  The world needs all the special gifts were are here to give.

That doesn’t mean, though, that you have to “Lone Ranger” it like I did alot of my young adult life.  You will fare better and enjoy giving your gifts to the world if you do two things.  These are the things that help you and me be in the world but not “of it.”  In other words, we can’t raise the vibration of the planet if were wallowing in low vibrations.

So, first thing – find support, however you have to.  In person makes it easier but in this day and age through the power of technology you can talk to just about anybody just about anywhere.  Find your “tribe,” even if you have to put it together from all over the globe, and ask for support, light, love from them whenever you feel you need it (and even when you don’t).

Second thing, for goodness sake, get skilled at taking care of yourself.  For some this might mean developing healthier boundaries so you are not always the caretaker.  For others it might mean resting more or eating healthier.  For me, a big part of it was learning to manage my spiritual gifts, such as my empathy which for me mostly meant learning how to turn it off.  Learning that I didn’t have to use my gifts all the time in all situations, that I wasn’t responsible for single- handedly saving the world.  Why would I need to turn off my gifts sometimes?  Ever noticed if you leave a light on 24-7 the bulb burns out faster.  I need rest and recovery.  Sometimes I need to just play, to leave the worries of the world behind, to watch “Legally Blonde.”  You need it to.

Being the Change is a big job.  You don’t need to do it by yourself.  You will be hard pressed to do it living on twinkies and diet coke.  You aren’t obligated to do it 24 hours a day.  Parents, do your children a favor and teach them this sooner than later.  More to come about parenting….

So do something to take care of yourself and enjoy every minute of it.



Welcome to Being Change Coaching!

Saturday, January 9th, 2010

My favorite quote is “Be the change you want to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi

That’s the central tenet driving my life now.  “Being the Change.” But Being Change isn’t always easy.  Sometimes it feels like the hardest path to take.  But I have come to realize for myself that there is no other choice that satisfies my soul.  I believe more and more of us each day are feeling the call to “Be the Change.”  As we answer that call, we are birthing a new world full of compassion, love and the power of possibility while personally finding immense joy and true inner peace.

My intention is to walk with you on your path – for it is truly a journey – of Being Change.  I’m here to share my own journey in support of yours, to talk about what nourishes and encourages me as I choose Being Change.

To 2010 and all the beautiful change that lies ahead!

