Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Making Excuses

Monday, June 17th, 2013

I have a good deal of control over my life. I have a job with a reasonable 9-5 type work schedule. I have the summer off. I do not have children. People are hired to clean the house and mow the grass. I choose to give a good deal of my time to my passion project, serving as Artistic Director for a small theater. But boy-oh-boy, have I been making excuses about why I am so busy and not taking time to nurture my body or my soul or my baby business I am starting. I have voluntarily scheduled myself to work much of the summer. I am on a teacher contract but have a job teaching teachers so I do need to spend some of my summer working my “job”. I have some choice, though, about how much and when. But I confess I have been using some serious victim language as I tell people about how I am working all summer. My boss is not forcing me to do this. In fact, he is encouraging me to take time for myself. So why am I whining so much? And why am I choosing to pack my schedule so full with “things to do”? Maybe it is easier to fill my summer with what is known rather than journey inward and deal with some things that are weighing on my heart… Maybe I am afraid of failing in my pursuit of a business of my own… I don’t have answers right now but here are 2 promises I am making to myself: 1) Stop with the victim language and own my choices, 2) Take some time this summer to tend to my heart’s longings. In the span of less than 12 hours, my mother showed me a piece of artwork she had created which included the words “be at home in your own life” while a dear friend shared a poem with the same message. Part of Being the Change is being willing to listen to the messages – subtle or not – the Universe sends our way. Earlier this evening I was chiding my mother for not moving on guidance, for waiting for the 2 by 4 to hit her upside the head. Well, physician, heal thyself… time for me to listen to my own advice. Time to stop with the excuses. Time to make some space in my schedule to care for my body, care for my spirit, and get quiet and listen to calls from my heart. I invite you to join me.




Saturday, January 1st, 2011


Doing what comes natural…

Wednesday, June 2nd, 2010

We all have our strengths and our weaknesses and while it is true that we grow when we delve into and work on our weaknesses, it is also true that we give the most to the world when we use our strengths.  For me one of the changes I wish to see in the world is everyone living from their authentic selves.  This leads to happiness and a sense of satisfaction which leads to inner peace which leads to outer peace which leads to…world peace.

For years I thought of performing – one of my strengths – as something I did for fun, a way to reward myself for all the work I did “saving the world.”  Then I discovered a group called Powerstories Theatre of Tampa, Inc.  –  (check us out at the Capitol Fringe Festival in DC in July) – and my life changed.  Through Powerstories, I discovered the beauty of merging work and play, passion and purpose, changing the world while following my bliss.  I now see my gift as a performer and my love of performing as a way to help my mission of Being the Change.  When I am on stage, joy pours out of me and into the audience.  I open hearts, I inspire, I change lives and I feel totally blissed out and fulfilled.  Does it get any better than that?

So sure, strengthen your weaknesses but don’t forget to live your strengths!



Unconsciouly committed to being misunderstood

Friday, February 26th, 2010

I have discovered through some recent work, that I EXPECT to be unloved, unseen, unappreciated and misunderstood.  This was a real shocker for me.  True, I have experienced much of these things in my life.  You may have, too, if you find yourself called to “Being the Change.”  But I didn’t consciously realize that I EXPECTED this in my life.  I probably should have as I often say to people that I’m used to not being liked, that I expect people to NOT like me when they first meet me.  I’ve always been “different.” That’s how I’ve thought of myself. Maybe you have, too.

Here’s the thing…I’m not really “different” and neither are you.  “Being the Change” will be seen by many as a radical choice.  Some will be drawn to you because of it, some even repelled. But the thing to remember is that, ironically,  “Being the Change” isn’t really about change it’s about staying the same.  What I mean is this…at our cores, we are all pure love.  That’s our birthright, our divinity.  So “Being the Change” is really about getting in touch with who we REALLY are.  That’s why it is so scary to so many people.  Authenticity can be very unsettling when you live in a society that puts such emphasis on “posing,” on wearing masks.

I have been reminding myself these last few days, that when I feel unloved, unseen,  unappreciated, misunderstood – it’s my own self-judgment being mirrored back to me.  We are all one so nothing really comes from outside of us, but from within.

Where do you judge yourself?  Who do you compare yourself to and judge yourself lacking?  You are beautiful, perfect and whole, exactly as you are.  You are love, how could you not be?  EXPECT to be loved, seen, appreciated and understood – just don’t attach to that showing up in a particular way.  You know what attachment does…

I love you.  I love “Being the Change.”  I love me and from now on, I’m going to commit to being loved, seen appreciated and understood.



We’re all doing the best we can…

Monday, February 8th, 2010

It’s really true.  We’re all just doing the best we know how.  I keep getting chances to learn this lesson – over and over and over.  Today, I had another chance.  You see I was making assumptions about another person’s motives.  I was assuming he didn’t care.  I was assuming he was never going to get on board with change– that he didn’t have the ability or the interest.  I was in a discussion at work about implementing an improvement plan that involved the help of this individual.  Now this plan’s development and implementation has been a topic of conversation since the fall, when I started my current job.  In previous discussions, “he” had always insisted everything was fine and nothing needed to change – except the new hires recognizing that everything was fine and ending their push for change.  Now I and my newly hired co-workers knew things weren’t okay.  Our jobs had been created because things weren’t ok.  But in the mind of “he,” everything was ok.  And you know what  – based on “he’s” criteria, everything WAS ok.  The parts of the workplace he was focusing on were functioning well.  The parts I was focusing on weren’t.  So we were BOTH RIGHT.  What we had to do was get on the same page, use the same language, talk about the same things.  When we did that, it all shifted.

 What I saw from “he” was completely different than what I had been assuming.  He wasn’t apathetic about change.  In fact, he cared deeply about being able to help our workplace be the best it could be.  He was also confused and scared.  When we started to talk about the areas that did need change, these were areas with which he was unfamiliar.  But when he realized he was unfamiliar – he sought to learn.  He asked questions, he clarified his understanding and we all kept working as a team until we were on the same page.

 So where does the “Being the Change” piece come in? Being willing to look at things in a different way.  I was willing to see this person in a different light.  If I hadn’t been willing, I wouldn’t have seen the possibilities.  I wouldn’t have been willing to help him through his learning process with a spirit of support.  I would have shamed him for not knowing.  I would have been condescending.  And the group wouldn’t have made the tremendous breakthrough we made today.  I can feel how powerful the shift was because I am sitting here feeling like I just gave birth.

 Sometimes – ok A LOT of times – Being the Change is about being patient with people.  It’s about believing that everyone is doing the best they can with what they’ve got.  So if we need “better,” we need to give more – more support, more understanding.  I’m not talking about being an enabler.  I’m talking about giving people the chance to change, to see things differently, to open their minds, their hearts.  I’m talking about being willing to put down prejudices (pre-judgements) and look at things with fresh eyes.  I’m talking about trusting that change is possible when people feel supported.

 I’ll probably re-read this myself.  A LOT!  I am Indigo and I am prone to frustration and impatience.  I am prone to calling people idiots.  I’m not proud of it but I know my weaknesses as well as my strengths – which is another blog for another day.  I am just as much – maybe more so – on the path of Being the Change as you.  That’s why I have stuff to write about! But the Universe is always giving me more reasons to trust, to believe.  That’s what keeps me on the path.



Be in the world but not of the world

Wednesday, January 27th, 2010

I was raised going to a christian church so I heard this all the time growing up.  It didn’t really “get it” though ’til about 5 years ago.

It can be challenging walking a spiritual path, taking the high road, making choices that aren’t the easy ones, loving the ones you don’t want to love…so difficult that sometimes I just want to hide.

At times I’ve thought, “If I could just be around more people that were like me…” You know the drill.  But here’s the thing folks, most of us aren’t here to live in an ashram or a convent.  Most of us are here to live “in the world.”  It’s where we are needed.  You don’t find lighthouses on calm shores or 500 miles inland.  We have things to do in the world.  The world needs all the special gifts were are here to give.

That doesn’t mean, though, that you have to “Lone Ranger” it like I did alot of my young adult life.  You will fare better and enjoy giving your gifts to the world if you do two things.  These are the things that help you and me be in the world but not “of it.”  In other words, we can’t raise the vibration of the planet if were wallowing in low vibrations.

So, first thing – find support, however you have to.  In person makes it easier but in this day and age through the power of technology you can talk to just about anybody just about anywhere.  Find your “tribe,” even if you have to put it together from all over the globe, and ask for support, light, love from them whenever you feel you need it (and even when you don’t).

Second thing, for goodness sake, get skilled at taking care of yourself.  For some this might mean developing healthier boundaries so you are not always the caretaker.  For others it might mean resting more or eating healthier.  For me, a big part of it was learning to manage my spiritual gifts, such as my empathy which for me mostly meant learning how to turn it off.  Learning that I didn’t have to use my gifts all the time in all situations, that I wasn’t responsible for single- handedly saving the world.  Why would I need to turn off my gifts sometimes?  Ever noticed if you leave a light on 24-7 the bulb burns out faster.  I need rest and recovery.  Sometimes I need to just play, to leave the worries of the world behind, to watch “Legally Blonde.”  You need it to.

Being the Change is a big job.  You don’t need to do it by yourself.  You will be hard pressed to do it living on twinkies and diet coke.  You aren’t obligated to do it 24 hours a day.  Parents, do your children a favor and teach them this sooner than later.  More to come about parenting….

So do something to take care of yourself and enjoy every minute of it.



Welcome to Being Change Coaching!

Saturday, January 9th, 2010

My favorite quote is “Be the change you want to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi

That’s the central tenet driving my life now.  “Being the Change.” But Being Change isn’t always easy.  Sometimes it feels like the hardest path to take.  But I have come to realize for myself that there is no other choice that satisfies my soul.  I believe more and more of us each day are feeling the call to “Be the Change.”  As we answer that call, we are birthing a new world full of compassion, love and the power of possibility while personally finding immense joy and true inner peace.

My intention is to walk with you on your path – for it is truly a journey – of Being Change.  I’m here to share my own journey in support of yours, to talk about what nourishes and encourages me as I choose Being Change.

To 2010 and all the beautiful change that lies ahead!

