Unconsciouly committed to being misunderstood

I have discovered through some recent work, that I EXPECT to be unloved, unseen, unappreciated and misunderstood.  This was a real shocker for me.  True, I have experienced much of these things in my life.  You may have, too, if you find yourself called to “Being the Change.”  But I didn’t consciously realize that I EXPECTED this in my life.  I probably should have as I often say to people that I’m used to not being liked, that I expect people to NOT like me when they first meet me.  I’ve always been “different.” That’s how I’ve thought of myself. Maybe you have, too.

Here’s the thing…I’m not really “different” and neither are you.  “Being the Change” will be seen by many as a radical choice.  Some will be drawn to you because of it, some even repelled. But the thing to remember is that, ironically,  “Being the Change” isn’t really about change it’s about staying the same.  What I mean is this…at our cores, we are all pure love.  That’s our birthright, our divinity.  So “Being the Change” is really about getting in touch with who we REALLY are.  That’s why it is so scary to so many people.  Authenticity can be very unsettling when you live in a society that puts such emphasis on “posing,” on wearing masks.

I have been reminding myself these last few days, that when I feel unloved, unseen,  unappreciated, misunderstood – it’s my own self-judgment being mirrored back to me.  We are all one so nothing really comes from outside of us, but from within.

Where do you judge yourself?  Who do you compare yourself to and judge yourself lacking?  You are beautiful, perfect and whole, exactly as you are.  You are love, how could you not be?  EXPECT to be loved, seen, appreciated and understood – just don’t attach to that showing up in a particular way.  You know what attachment does…

I love you.  I love “Being the Change.”  I love me and from now on, I’m going to commit to being loved, seen appreciated and understood.



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